The Great Railway Bazaar, by Paul Theroux

What joy: a train lover writing for train lovers Settling down with a Paul Theroux train book is like a long rail journey with a well-loved friend. You know what you’re in for, and it’s a treat in store. Theroux is great at evoking landscapes and people, and his own love for trains shines through. … Read more

Hyper-scenic delights in the Massif Central

There’s a subtle buzz when a train sets off on what I’d call a hyper-scenic route. It may well be a mere two-coach diesel, from a mundane city like Leeds or Clermont-Ferrand. But some of the passengers are different. They’ve got cameras, journals, route maps. Some are outdoors types with hiking gear or touring bikes. … Read more

From Krakow to Rome: the Tyrolean Way

By train through the Brenner Pass, and lots more! Alan Heeks writes… I suspect that most British train lovers, like me, mostly travel across Europe to and from London – radiating out from the Eurostar. Belatedly I’m realising that I’ve missed out on some great rail journeys that run across these radial routes from England. … Read more

Perfection on rails: The VSOE British Pullman

The re-creation of the British Pullman is a classic British story of eccentric, visionary wealth allied to traditional craftsmanship. James Sherwood rescued carriages from weird locations and states of disarray. Bob Dunn, whose grandfather made marquetry for the original cars, was one of a host of dedicated restorers. Now, for a princely sum, you can … Read more

Do Sleeper Trains Resemble their Country’s Leader??

Insights from Europe’s Sleeper Trains The Paris – Venice Treno Notte has advanced my insights into the special ways that so-called sleepers help me, and maybe other seekers for truth. The France – Italy sleepers are now run by an outfit called thello. As the name already suggests, this is a new private venture, and … Read more

Train Lovers: FACT! Virgin XC more reliable than DB Intercity Express!

I travel to Germany by train most years, and this year I finally realised that my major frustrations with Deutsche Bahn are not just bad luck, it really is bad.  Online research quickly confirmed this: the average reliability of DB’s ICE (InterCity Express) trains has been around 75% for several years, whereas the recent figure … Read more

Train Lovers: What trains can teach us about relationships

Insights from a zugteilung in Hanover The special overnight trains which in English we hopefully call sleepers, are in Germany sensibly called Nachtzug, night trains.  No false expectations there.  In fact, I’ve used the Nachtzug many times, and they’re very comfortable. However, my recent German holiday involved getting onto the night train in Hamburg at … Read more

What trains can teach us about relationships Insights from a zugteilung in Hanover

The special overnight trains which in English we hopefully call sleepers, are in Germany sensibly called Nachtzug, night trains. No false expectations there. In fact, I’ve used the Nachtzug many times, and they’re very comfortable. However, my recent German holiday involved getting onto the night train in Hamburg at 00:31, and off in Cologne at … Read more