
Natural Happiness: Use organic gardening skills to cultivate yourself

by Alan Heeks

Deepen your roots to grow through uncertainty

In these stormy times, this book will help you to dig deep and stay cheerful: it shows how gardening methods like composting, mulching, and crop rotation can be used to cultivate human nature too. A gardener applies skills like observation, patience and creativity, and you can adapt them to deal with daily stresses and big issues like climate change. Alan’s approach is positive and practical, easy to use for gardeners and others.

The book explores Alan’s Seven Seeds of Natural Happiness, which grow from twenty years’ experience of helping people learn from Nature, and from creating gardens and an organic farm.

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Not Fade Away- staying happy when you’re over 64

The late sixties and beyond are a landmark: a good time to choose what you want from the years ahead, and take stock of the story so far. This short, practical book offers you valuable guidance, new skills, and resources to help you to be happy in your vintage years and grow through the tough bits.

Chapters about Finding Your Gifts include Love Me Do on relationships, and Born to be Wild on fresh adventures. Digging Your Challenges includes Good Vibrations on managing your health, and Matthew and Son on work and money. Fresh Maps includes Won’t Get Fooled Again on changing your story, and My Generation, wisdom from others. If you remember the idealism of the 1960’s, this is a chance to renew it! Read More


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OUT OF THE WOODS: A Guide to Out of the Woods CoverLife for Men Beyond 50

by Alan Heeks, published by How to Books September 2013

Midlife and beyond can be the most fun a man has ever had, but it’s also a time for fresh skills and a new path. When the roles that define men dissolve – work, marriage, fatherhood – it’s a time of huge possibility and freedom, but it’s easy to feel lost in the woods, with nowhere to turn to.

This book is a guide for men beyond 50: complete with route-finder, service areas, scenic highlights and emergency callout advice. It gathers the best wisdom and experience of many men on the skills you need to handle the losses and shipwrecks, and find your way out of the woods.

Read more about Out of the woods here.

The Natural Advantage

The Natural Advantage

by Alan Heeks

This pioneering book translates the principles and practices of organic farming, cultivated natural systems and sustainable development to show how individuals, teams and organisations can grow their resilience to stress, change and uncertainty, and improve their effectiveness and wellbeing at work. The Natural Advantage uses largely the same basic model as Alan’s forthcoming book, Natural Happiness, but focussed on organic farming and the workplace, not organic gardening and personal and community wellbeing.

Read more about The Natural Advantage here.

The Find your gift in Work workbook: a self-help guide to get into work that really fulfils you. This is an 80-page, spiral-bound A4 workbook which will guide you through a process of exploration to identify the kind of work that would really fulfil you, and make it happen. This is a self-help book with a sequence of clear processes and checklists for you to follow, helping you to value all your talents, see what you really want, test drive your fantasy, and find the right opportunities.

Read more about Find Your Gift In Work here.