The Find your gift in Work workbook: a self-help guide to get into work that really fulfils you. This is an 80-page, spiral-bound A4 workbook which will guide you through a process of exploration to identify the kind of work that would really fulfil you, and make it happen. This is a self-help book with a sequence of clear processes and checklists for you to follow, helping you to value all your talents, see what you really want, test drive your fantasy, and find the right opportunities.
Available by mail from Alan Heeks: £10 including P&P. To contact Alan, click here.
List of chapters:
- Contact your Intuition: Provides you with a technique for getting in touch with your own inner sense of what you need, which is then used in the rest of the book.
- Meet Yourself – at last!: This helps you to get to know yourself better, particularly what you like and want from your work.
- Your Work in Perspective: Here you can explore your attitudes to work further, and the relationship between your work and the rest of your life.
- Face your Fears: This section helps you to explore obstacles and fears which may have held you back in the past, and shows you how to overcome them.
- Open the Box: Drawing on the insights from the previous sections, here you can get in touch with your vision for the work you want to do in the future.
- Test Drive your Fantasy: How to check out and explore your vision of the work you like doing and the implications.
- Working with the System: Looking at the needs of the person or organisation you are dealing with, and ways you can both meet your needs.
- Following Through: Creating your own action plan, finding help and support.
- Further Help: Suggestions for books, workshops, centres which could be useful to you.