Depression, and getting over it

Depression is one of the biggest problems for men beyond 50.  We all feel low sometimes, but depression is long-term – I’ve met many mature men who have been depressed for years, often on antidepressants continually, and are resigned to living in semi-gloom indefinitely. How would you know if you’re depressed?  Typical symptoms are self-dislike, … Read more

Men and Pornography

GUEST POST by Ger Murphy Jack(56) came to see me at my psychotherapy practice some months ago complaining of depressive episodes and lack of motivation. As he spoke he revealed that he had been experiencing strong feelings of loneliness and isolation following his wife’s recent work changes, which meant she had taken on a demanding … Read more

Why do men need men’s groups?

Men generally grow up seeing other men as competitors, and mostly  have poorer support networks and interactive skills than women.  Perhaps that was useful when fighting for the last bison on the plains, but it doesn’t help most men in 2015. These days, most of us need high emotional intelligence and collaboration skills just to … Read more

A Celebration of Older Men

Celebration of Older Men

Even better with women! Older men are hardly a trendy topic, and to celebrate them is unheard of.  So this event which I organised at Bridport Arts Centre could be unique.  And despite my tendency to be critical of most things, including myself, I can only describe the evening as a total success. My motive … Read more

Men’s Sheds: A brilliantly simple good idea

Camden Town Shed

900 sheds in Australia: just starting in UK Men’s Sheds are simply a largeish space where men can use or learn skills like woodworking, and enjoy informal social contact.  It’s often said that men relate to each other better shoulder-to-shoulder than face-to-face, which is why this simple idea works so well. An unusual feature of … Read more

The disadvantages of being a man

Giles Coren has only named half the story There was an excellent piece by Giles Coren in The Times, on Saturday September 28, headlined My daughter has more choices than my son.   He writes, “I found myself holding my baby son and feeling a sadness for him…He is a boy, and that means that he … Read more