Mysteries of elderhood: effects of ageing

Alan Heeks shares his development through the life stages When I turned sixty in 2008, I set a clear intent of moving into elderhood, growing beyond my prevailing warrior-hero approach to life. Ten years on, I can report good progress on my development through the life stages, but as well as further mysteries. Elderhood and … Read more

Born to be wild: fresh adventures

Everyday life these days can be uncertain and unsettling for anyone, and getting older may just seem to make that worse. It may feel tempting to settle into your rut, retreat into safety. In fact, you’re likely to be more happy and resilient if you open up to fresh adventures. I don’t mean the kind … Read more

Even the old are prejudiced about ageing!

How to grow through the fear and bias Most of us have prejudices, and most of us have them around old age, whatever age we are!  It’s been shocking for me, as an expert on creative ageing, to admit this is true of me. I realise that one simplistic way that I categorize people I … Read more

Enjoying your elderhood

The term elder is used with various meanings: I’m using it to invite you to connect with the mature wisdom in yourself, and in our ancestors. Traditional tribal cultures, such as the Native Americans, Celts, and Bedouin, had great wisdom, including the role of the elders. We commonly think of tribes as led by one … Read more

Creation Spirituality: what, why, how?

Align your own creative power within the divine The essence of creation spirituality is this idea: that the creation of our world was not a one-off event billions of years ago: it is a process continuing in every moment, and each of us can contribute.  As Neil Douglas-Klotz puts it: our job description as humans … Read more

Digging for Maturity: Cultivating Yourself in Riper Years

My fourth planned book explores how gardening analogies can help people’s wellbeing, and I’ve started to ponder what insights they offer for creative ageing. This was groundwork for a weekend I co-lead at Hazel Hill Wood, in June, called Fruits of Maturity. In a garden, it’s clear that you can’t simply leave nature to do … Read more

The Lost Elders: Who are we? Where’s our voice?

At 21 million, if we’re not a major blessing, we’ll be a major problem Over-fifties are one third of the whole UK population, but this huge group has no collective name, voice, or sense of purpose.  Many of these over-fifties are relatively well-off for time, money, and health, and yet there are major worries on … Read more