A view from age 74: Giles

Advice to those in their sixties:

  • Delegate to others more than you think you can safely do!  You can’t do it safely.  How did you learn? Don’t delay this!
  • Get out into nature and meditate, pray, ask questions of yourself – your god or whatever you call that thing.
  • Recognise crises as invitations to break through old patterns, beliefs and views.  They are milestones to be celebrated and a good crisis should never be wasted.  You now have the wisdom to deal with any chance or any shit that comes your way.
  • Let go of stuff you are holding onto.  For each self-imposed manacle released, there will be a boon.

How did I feel approaching 70:

Getting a hit of my teenage thoughts about the absolute improbability of being around in 2012, more the century and the year than the idea of being 70.

I had been retired for a year, but had planned that as a gradual process over 6 years, so it was not the dramatic cross-roads many experience. On the other hand, I have been just as busy in the 4 years since, but the nature of my busyness has been increasingly moving away from the preoccupations of the previous 30 years of “work life” and been more mellow than busyness.

A fuller appreciation of my partner of 42 years and my 5 sons, through calmer listening, not acting or speaking out every urge or thought I have. For me a key challenge has been to let go of having to be useful.  Another has been to avoid having an unrealistic agenda of things to do – most of them are unnecessary, can be given to others or massively simplified.

What has helped my transition to the seventies

  • Talking to young people about absolutely anything they are interested in.
  • Putting heart before head to a greater extent in deciding what to do this minute, this hour, this year or for years ahead. This is truly liberating, often adventurous and always energising.
  • My sons – vitality, different takes on life, their love
  • My wife – her changing wishes as to how our partnership works as each of us accept and pursue personal change, whether physical, mental, emotional or, combining all, spiritual
  • Staying happy in your 70’s:

*It’s the people and the truth and love you bring to dealing to them ALL that count, not your or their appearance, behaviours, plans, status, achievements &c.